Ray Jones

Ray is a brave and flexible avatar. He is ambitious to stop Lord Tusk and his helpers-the Pandas. Ray observes the true and all the space lifeīs laws. He is sent by his spaseship`s computer to the planet Mars. Ray Jones passes trought two different universes on Mars. 1. The space around the planet 2. The surface of Mars Passing throught three different universes makes the game more interesting for the children who are curious to see not only the planetīs space orbit but also the surface of Mars. This make the game more interesting for the users because they should play the first game and after that they have the opportunity to see the surface of Mars. Using some of the real colours from the planetīs surface is bringing educational information in the games


Lord Tusk

Lord Tusk is an enemy of Ray Jones in all the cycle of space games about Ray adventurous. The bad Lord is trying to occupy and explore Mars and the inhabitants of Mars-the Marsianers. Lord Tusk is a negative avatar but he is not participating directly in the first two games. He appears just in the tird one so the users are kept curious and expecting the appear of the main negative avatar. Lord Tusk bad behaviour is presented by his helpers-the Pandas.

lord tusk


The main negative participants in the first two games are the Pandas. They are taking a part of the games trying to stop Ray Jones way to Mars and the Marsianers. Pandas are smart, flexible and following the Lord Tuskīs bad plans. They are ruled by the Lord. The Pandas makes the games more interesting, keeping the users curious to the appearing of their boss. Pandas are seven and they have all the fight with Ray in way. They canīt kill or hurt the main avatar. They just can do something smart and bad to stop him or just to break up his spaceship.


The Marsianers

The Marsianers are the main inhabitants of the planet Mars. They are participating directly in the tird game,doing neither bad,nor good. The Marsianers are occupied by Lord Tusk who is using them as a slaves to help him exploating the minerals from Mars. The inhabitants of Mars are sad and helpless from ruining their planet. Ray Jones is their friend whose main mission is to help them achieve freedom.
