The target audience are scandinavian, english speaking children between 8-10 years old. These children have adventurous spirit , willing to learn new things and having more knowledge about the world around them. All the moments and events can reflect on this children so everything should be served carefully on this target group. Children between 8-10 have big immagination which can be developed.
The main perpose of the games is to develop children immagination and logical thinking in different situation on Mars. To show the users that everything has connection inbetween and that the way to the glory is long and not easy. The second purpose of the space games is to entartain not only the target audiance but also the other users.
The intended effect of these games is to lead the children to the Ray Johnes`s space world which is an interesting world, different from their every day life.This is acctually the entartaining part of the games. The games are with space scenes and design, which are leading the users to an adventure on the Planet Mars and they can act as Ray Jones.Thay can also feel the spirit of Mars, learn about it and imagine themselves being on that interesting planet.